
  • Hello and welcome to 44john.com!

    Why "44john", you ask? Well, 44 because +44 is the country code for the UK, and John because it's my name.

    This capriciously eccentric collection of pictures from my travels, music I love, bon vivantry and other assorted airy persiflage is my blog.

    Want to know more about me? Head on over to the rather imaginatively named About That John page, check out about.me/walton or say hello on Twitter: I'm @thatjohn.

    And, if you're visiting NYC, don't miss That John's exceedingly opinionated guide for New York City visitors.

« 🎶 I only wanna see you riding in that purple train 🎶 | Main | En route to #AIX18, but first to Munich on this little CRJ... #avgeek »

27 February 2018



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